Spending most of my Adult life involved in the Horse Industry and have the privilege of owning some Fantastic Horse, one thing has always bothered me.
Many "horse lovers" never take the time to realize the responsibility of assuming the Care Control and Custody of Large Prey Animal ...THE HORSE
Photo courtesy of http://columbiariverimages.com
Horse Ownership is a huge responsibility, but offers great Rewards
Announcing up to 32 Horse Shows a year a have seen almost every scenario...
One most common is the Rider's inability to understand the "necessity of Give and Take"
when handling an Equine.
The folowing article brings out some very important ideas to be considered before you make that very Decision to be an Owner or maybe consider changing some habits to more enjoy your HORSE today
Why Have A Horse
Why Have A Horse?
I have met so many people during my life that had horses. The first type of people I met was when I was a young girl and my father owned race horses. I can't really remember any of them actually loving the horse. The actual animal. They loved what the horse could do for them regarding making them money, if they won the race that is. If the horse was a winner it was treated ok. It wasn't given much human attention other than training. Remember this is the part I saw, I am sure there are some owners and trainers in the 'bigger' winners that had more of hands on and I read of some owners that said they truly loved their race horses, the ones that owned the big winners.
The point being is the horse is not just an animal to be used and then to get rid of. I cannot believe how many people I have met through the years that want a 'quarter' horse. I am not talking about the breed quarter horse, I am talking about the wooden horse you put a quarter in, ride for a few minutes and it doesn't buck, bite, rear, spook, or do anything humans would call 'bad'. How could it, it is made out of wood or plastic or whatever this mechanical horse is made of. It isn't a living, breathing, emotional feeling animal.
However, that is what some of these so called 'horse people' need to buy because they complain about their horse doing what a horse does, or they complain just about all horses.
A horse is a horse of course, of course!! Even these so called trainers who have been around horses, trained horses, yada, yada, yada, since they have been 'born'!! And still don't know anything about the horse!! I have been to so many clinics, I have almost gone broke buying training videos to see what else someone has come up with and my own horse almost lost her life because of a 'trainer' that has 'grown up and been around horses and showed and trained all her life'.
Well be careful of these kind of trainers. When you can get a horse to do what you want without any bit, saddle, and of course without all those other gadgets (martingale, tie downs etc.) then your talking 'natural horsemanship'
Go to a trainer who uses love and patience not bits and binders and that hurry up and get that first ride today attitude!
We do live in a fast food society and fast everything society, and it is going into the way we train our animals and children for that matter and with that kind of training you will only get a short-term result and you will wonder what happened thinking "well I trained him, what happened?"I won't even get into the people that won't even train Arabian horses because they say they don't think, they are just crazy. How sad are those people! Well if you just want something to get on and ride it into the ground, please go have a robot made into a horse!
Now, if you want a journey that will lead to a joyful and meaningful and fulfilling relationship then get a horse as there is nothing like it.
This saying is true but I changed it a bit: the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a caring person.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindee_Grimes
Some Good Reading to Help Understand
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